- The European Commission (EC) and the Network of Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) warned 20 airlines about their sustainability claims.
- The CPC identified at least six potentially misleading areas.
- Airlines have been warned of looming sanctions if they fail to address the concerns raised by the EC and CPC.
The European Commission (EC), an executive part of the European Union (EU), has issued a statement that it sent a letter to 20 European airlines, identifying misleading claims about their sustainability practices. The carriers were given 30 days to respond and amend their practices.
Offsetting by climate projects
The EC and the EU’s consumer authorities, namely the Network of Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC), focused on claims made by airlines that their CO2 emissions could be offset by climate projects or through the usage of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which consumers also have to pay extra for.
According to the Commission, the CPC was led by the Belgian Directorate General for Economic Inspection, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, the Norwegian Consumer Authority, and the Spanish Directorate General of Consumer Affairs. Norway, while not part of the EU, is part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
Photo: Norwegian
Nevertheless, the CPC claimed that the practices can be considered misleading, which is prohibited under three different articles of the Unfair Commercial Practises Directive of the EU. The statement added that the airlines have not clarified whether their claims can be based on scientific evidence.

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Misleading CO2 calculations and claims toward net zero emission
The CPC identified at least six potentially misleading practices by the 20 airlines, which include creating the incorrect impression that paying an additional fee to finance climate projects or to use SAF can reduce or counterbalance CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the CPC raised an issue with the term SAF, claiming that the 20 airlines have not justified the impact of the alternative fuel.
Airlines have also allegedly misused several sustainability-linked terms, such as ‘green,’ ‘sustainable,’ and others, using them in absolute terms to imply that their practices are environmentally friendly. In addition, the CPC noted that some airlines have claimed that they are moving toward net-zero emissions without any “clear and verifiable commitments, targets and an independent monitoring system.”
Photo: Boeing
The CPC also flagged issues with CO2 calculators for specific flights used by carriers, saying that they do not provide sufficient scientific proof for the emissions estimates while also failing to provide how the amount of CO2 was calculated. Lastly, the EC pointed out that the authorities warned airlines against comparing flights’ emissions without providing sufficient evidence to back those claims.

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Looming sanctions
While the EC nor the CPC identified the 20 airlines that have been informed of their malpractices, the statement said that the authorities sent them a letter inviting them to respond within a month with measures that would address the concerns outlined by the CPC. After the responses, the EC will organize a meeting between the 20 companies and the CPC to discuss their proposals.
“Furthermore, the Commission will monitor the implementation of the agreed-upon changes. If the airlines involved do not take the necessary steps to solve concerns raised in the letter, CPC authorities can decide to take further enforcement actions, including sanctions.”
Photo: Etihad Airways
The United Kingdom’s Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) has fined or warned several airlines for greenwashing violations, including Etihad Airways, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and others. The UK left the EU on February 1, 2020.

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