A first for India! Amul forays into US market with fresh milk range

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Amul’s brand of “fresh milk” will be sold in the United States in a first for milk cooperatives in India. The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), the umbrella body that markets and sells milk under brand Amul has tied up with the Michigan Milk Producers Association to sell “fresh milk” in the East Coast and Midwest markets of the US.

“I am pleased to inform you that Amul shall be launching its fresh milk products in the US. We have tied up with a 108-year dairy cooperative in the United States, the Michigan Milk Producers Association (MMPA) and the announcement was made at the annual meeting on 20th March. This is the first time Amul Milk, the fresh product range will be launched anywhere outside India and in a market like the US, which has a very strong Indian diaspora,” said Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation’s Managing Director Jayen Mehta. 

Amul will be launching its range of fresh milk in one-gallon (3.8 litres) and half-a-gallon (1.9 litres) packs under the Amul brand in the US. This includes Amul Gold containing 6 per cent milk fat, Amul Shakti with 4.5 per cent milk fat, Amul Taaza with 3 per cent milk fat and Amul Slim with 2 per cent milk fat.

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