‘Angry Rantman’ said THIS about Narayana Murthy’s 70-hour work week advice in last Instagram video

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The late Abhradeep Saha, better known by his online persona “Angry Rantman,” ignited a debate on work culture in his final Instagram video. In a scathing critique, Rantman lashed out at billionaire Narayana Murthy’s recent suggestion that young people should be prepared to work 70 hours a week.

Murthy, co-founder of Infosys, a major Indian IT company, had previously stated that the youth needed a “can-do” attitude and the willingness to put in extra hours to succeed. However, Rantman vehemently disagreed.

The Instagram video, which has garnered significant traction since its release on October 30th, 2023, showed Rantman in characteristically fiery form. He called Murthy’s advice “preposterous” and argued that expecting employees to slog through 70-hour weeks was not only unrealistic but disrespectful.

“If you want us to work for 70 hours a week,” Rantman ranted, according to media reports, “you better be prepared to hike salaries or face mass resignations!” He further pointed out the importance of work-life balance, a concept Rantman believed Murthy was overlooking.

The video resonated with many young Indians. Work-life balance has become an increasingly important concern for millennials and Gen Z, who are pushing back against the traditional hustle culture glorified by some business leaders. Rantman’s video gave voice to this sentiment, highlighting the desire for a healthier work environment.

However, Murthy’s comments also have their defenders. Some argue that a strong work ethic is necessary for success, particularly in the competitive Indian IT industry. They point to Murthy’s own rags-to-riches story as an example of the rewards that come with dedication and hard work.

Abhradeep Saha died at the age of 27 due to multiple organ failure. 


Even though the post was shared back in October, many users commented on the video, expressing their condolences for Saha’s passing. 

“You’ll be missed bro. Gone too soon,” one user wrote. “Rest easy king . Om Shanti,” another user wrote.


Saha was admitted to a hospital in Bengaluru in March for a major surgery, but he faced complications afterward. Eventually, he was put on a ventilator. His family announced his passing on Instagram last Wednesday. Saha had a significant following, with around 480,000 followers on YouTube and about 112,000 subscribers on Instagram.

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