In a shocking incident captured on camera in Chennai’s Royapettah area, a drunk and shirtless foreign national tried to bite a commuter who was riding his bike. Bystanders and police intervened to restrain him. The dramatic scene quickly spread on social media.
In the short video, the foreigner aggressively lunged towards the unsuspecting biker, targeting his neck. Quick action by police and bystanders prevented a potentially serious incident, though it left commuters and pedestrians shaken.
As the chaos unfolded, a crowd gathered around the scene, watching as the perpetrator was subdued against an iron railing by police.
Although the authenticity and timing of the video remain unconfirmed, online commentators compared the foreigner’s behavior to that of a zombie, drawing parallels to fictional depictions of mindless aggression. Some expressed concerns about possible drug influence, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant against substance abuse in public areas.
“This shameful zombie incident happened in Chennai. A foreign National reportedly in an inebriated state, running around trying to bite commuter,” a user wrote. Another one commented, “he is lucky that he did not do in lucknow. he would be encountered. we need cms like yogi, gaadi palat ni chahiye.”
A third user wrote, “Why can’t he just be put in handcuffs and taken? @chennaipolice you don’t give handcuffs to your police? “If an Indian had done this in London or New York, whole immigrant would have been blamed with clamours for stricter laws for tourists and immigration,” he wrote.