Maersk announces new surcharges from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to Africa

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COPENHAGEN : Maersk has announced updated and new peak season surcharges from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to several African destinations.

Maersk will increase its Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for shipments from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to Gambia for all container types from 15 April, as follows:

Charge Code Origin Destination Charge Basis Container Levels
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Gambia Per container All 20 DRY and REEFER US$250
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Gambia Per container All 40 DRY & REEFER and 45HDRY US$500

The Copenhagen-based ocean carrier is also implementing a PSS hike for shipments from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to Senegal, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cape Verde Island, and Mali for all container types, effective from 15 April.

The adjusted tariff details are as follows:

Charge Code Origin Destination Charge Basis Container Levels
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Senegal,Guinea,Liberia,Sierra Leone,Cape Verde Island,Mali Per container All 20 DRY and REEFER US$450
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Senegal,Guinea,Liberia,Sierra Leone,Cape Verde Island,Mali Per container All 40 DRY & REEFER and 45HDRY US$900

Furthermore, Maersk will introduce the following PSS in mid-April for shipments from the three aforementioned countries to Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Togo, Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Namibia, Central African Republic, Chad, and Mauritania.

Charge Code Origin Destination Charge Basis Container Levels
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Togo, Nigeria ,Angola, Cameroon, Congo Congo Dem.Rep.of, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Namibia ,Central African Republic, Chad, Mauritania. Per container All 20 DRY and REEFER US$150
Peak Season Surcharge Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Togo, Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, Congo Congo Dem.Rep.of, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Namibia, Central African Republic, Chad, Mauritania. Per container All 40 DRY & REEFER and 45HDRY US$300

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